Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So - wow! It's been almost a year! What the heck! I guess time really does fly. Although I have to admit I have thought about posting entries during the last several months, that thing called procrastination - which I unfortunately am ever-so-good at set in and well . . . here we are.

Cant' think of exactly why I would choose tonight to do this -and considering it is past my bedtime . . . but what it boils down to is I have thoughts running through my mind that I need to get rid of so I can get some rest tonight.

I learned something recently and although I still am having a difficult time grasping the concept, (I should probably make it my mantra) it is finally starting to sink in. Guilt is a choice. I know, profound huh? I love my mother - don't get me wrong, I really, really do, she is one of the best people I know, but that lady could give seminars on the most effective uses of guilt and how to use them. What makes it worse is that I don't really think she does it on purpose all the time - she's that good at it.

So! I refuse to feel guilty about cutting her off on the phone a little while ago and ending my conversation on what is probably note a not-so-friendly note. I did say "I love you" before I hung up though - I mean if I didn't and something should happen . . . well, I'd feel horribly guilty.

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