Tuesday, December 23, 2008

'Twas Just Before Christmas

'Twas just before Christmas
And all through my house
The cats chase each other
As if there were a mouse (which thank heavens there isn't!)

"So much left to get done,"
Says the voice in my head
When really all I want
Is to lay down in my bed.

The coughing and aching
I am still going through
Is past getting old
What am I to do?!?

And then at the moment
I feel most overcome
And stress levels rising
At what's still left to come

I remember the babe
For whom this day was created
The stress is all gone
And I'm feeling elated.

The presents to wrap
And deliver to friends
The cooking and baking
Which will come to and end,

They really don't matter
So things will be late,
My friends are understanding
And really quite great.

More important that boxes
Ribbons and bows
Are peace, love and kindness
Who can do without those?

As I post this note
To all whom may read
May I wish you best
Of the season indeed.

May we reflect,remember
And take a small pause
And remember it's not about
Dear old Mr. Claus . . .

But about the babe born in a stable
Who loved us enough
And giveq us the Atonement
To have peace when times may be rough

To lead us and guide us
And show us the way
That we may all live with Him
In heaven someday.

So Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
To all you out there
May your 2009 be simply beyond compare.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

I don't know what it is about Christmas lights . . . but I LOVE them! Maybe it's because they add to the magic of the season or maybe it's some deeper theological side of me using them as a metaphor for the Light of the World who's birth we celebrate this time of year . . . whatever the underlying factor is, they just make me happy. Whether it be a house all decked out to the point it looks like it could have been something Hansel & Gretel stumbled on to, to a beautiful nativity scene (like the one my grandparents had that now my cousin still puts up each year) or a Christmas Tree, I love them all. Wait, let me re-phrase that I love them all unless they are blinking to the point that they look like a swarm of some kind of bug crawling all over said house or tree.

When I was a child, one of my favorite things to do this time of year was to turn out all the lights except for the Christmas tree. Then I would just lay on the floor and soak in the season by Christmas light - and firelight (my parent's house has a fabulous fireplace) I loved to watch the light bounce off the ornaments and remember when and where some of the ornaments came from. My own tree is like that now. I try to collect an ornament as a keepsake from a special trip or occasion, or if one especially happens to catch my eye. I have an angel that my dad brought home for me from one of his duty weekends when he was in the Air Force Reserves. I was around 4 years old. It is without a doubt, one of my favorites. Then there's the plush Jack & Gus from Cinderella. When Cinderella was re-released in the theaters when my nieces and nephews were little, McDonalds was a proud to offer Cinderella's buddies in their Happy Meals. I remember on a shopping trip to Salt Lake we were all having happy meals trying to make sure each household had a set. There's a Nutcracker and a Clara ornament as well which were from my mom who knows when. One I simply had to have this year is one from Hallmark - it is a chimney, with Santa trying to cram a hippo down it. It plays "I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas" (I LOVE that song!)

All I can say is its nice to know that as we get older (take note that I am actually admitting it) it's nice to know there are some things that have become a part of us from when we are little. Think I'll go have a cup of hot chocolate, sit by the tree and reminisce Happy Holidays!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving ABC's

Well, the day has come and gone, and Santa "officially" ushered in the Christmas season at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Pararde yesterday, but I just wanted to take a minute and actually list some of the things I'm thankful for. There are so many people who have and continue to touch and influence my life for the better as well as wonderful experiences I have had. Of course there are also those experiences that are, shall we say, not so pleasant - but you learn and grow from them and end up being a better person because of them. But I digress!
Here, in a nutshell are things I am thankful for A to Z. Please note, there certainly are more than one per letter.

A: Abilities. No, not like extra-special ones on Heroes, but for sight, hearing, being able to
move about freely, all the things we all take for granted each day.

B: Bill. I love him so very much and can't thank him enough for putting up with me.

C: Cats. Our furry-fourl legged children really do bring joy to my life with their little antics
and it's so nice to have one of them snuggle up with you and just purr. And just fyi:
this also includes Miss Bear - who thinks she's a cat too. If she could meow, she

D: Dryer. It makes blankets and socks nice and toasty warm. I would hate having to do the
all the laundry without the aid of my pal the dryer.

E: Emilee. She is such a good friend to me. I appreciate her example.

F: Family. Not only the one I came from, but the one I married in to and the furry children
we have now. Each makes me happy in their own ways.

G: Gospel. Knowing that Jesus Christ is my Savior brings a peace to my life.

H: Home. While Freeman Cottage may be a bit on the smaller, cramped side, it is our own
little haven from the world where friends and family meet.

I: Ice. I love having a big cup of ice at my desk to crunch on during the day. If it happens
to be a big cup of pebble ice from Rupe's, all the better.

J: Job. I really love my job and am grateful to have one in this economy.

K: Kindness. I appreciate being treated well by those I meet as well as those I assoicate with,
and endeavor to show kindness to all - after all like the song say, "Kindness begins
with me."

L: LeSueurs. Bina is of course my favorite, but there are other ones that rank pretty high up
there on my list.

M: Massage Therapy. Enough said.

N: Naps. Talk about something that is completely self-indugent - but what a great way to
re-charge your battery. Whether it's only for 10 or 20 minutes or a couple of

O: Ovens. How else am I going to make dinner? Love the modern conveniences.

P: Patience. For the kind others have with me for my shortcomings and mistakes and for the
kind I am developing daily.

Q: Quilts. Snuggling under a nice warm quilt seriously has to be one of the best things ever.

R: Reading. Talk about being able to unlock your imagination! I love to curl up with a good

S: Singing. I love to sing. I'm not necessarily good at it, but really like to. Music can help
determine and set your mood.

T: Transportation. I'm really grateful that my little car gets me where I need to go.

U: Umbrellas. What a fabulous invention!

V: Values. I appreicate the ones that were instilled in me as a child and for the ones I try to
carry on as an adult. Things like honesty, hard work etc.

W: World. It is truly amazing. The diverse regions, cultures, people, animals, customs. All of it

X: Xerox machines. I would hate to have to make copies by hand for all the documents I do at

Y: YW. I love being the young women's president in my ward. I'm so grateful for all that the
girls teach me and for the friendships I share with them. The youth of today are so

Z: Zippers. Sure makes keeping pants up and jackets closed easier.

Well, there you have it! And like I said before - there really are multiples for just about each letter - especially when it comes to specific individuals.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Best Scarlet O'Hara Impression

We all know who she is - that famous literary and screen character brought to life by the classic beuaty, Vivian Leigh. Scarlett O'Hara. Well, I do a pretty good impression of Miss Scarlett if I do say so myself. No, no, it's not that I look a thing like her (although if we can put in a request for the next life . . . ) No, I don't have a string of beaus falling all over themselves to be near me (wouldn't mind if Bill did now and then . . .) and no, I don't have a thing for Ashley Wilkes. Frankly my dear, if you had Rhett Butler, why-oh-why would you want anything else? While I, like the ultimate Southern Bell, "know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies," I am referring specifically to Miss Scarlett's mantra: "I won't think about that today, I'll just think about it tomorrow." Hence the reason there has not been an entry since my first attempt. I, my friends am the queen of procrasination. No. really.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I May Not Be So Technically Challenged After All !

Oh my word! Can it be true?! Have I finally figured out how to begin the process of blogging?! No, really? Yes! At last! I will have "blogger's envy" no more! Not that I will ever be half as clever as Em or Megan but I have something to shoot for! Hmmmm..... maybe being home sick with bronchitis wasn't such a bad thing afterall. If it means that I can finally have my own blog, then it might just be worth it.

Luckily I took advantage of the early voting and cast my vote yesterday. I love this country! Although I must admit I can't help but wonder if the dark, bleak, rainy day may be indicitive of what may lie ahead.

Well, this blog may be short, but hopefully for a first entry and attempt at entering the world of the bloggers, it cuts the proverbial mustard.